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Mission Reports

Odisha Apostolic Church , Oct - Dec 2023

Pastor Rajan Digal

I greet you in the sweet name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Indeed it is my great joy and an honor to give a brief report of the activities of the Odisha Apostolic Church (TAMI). This report will include the things that God has done through our ministry at Odisha, from October to December 2023.

Church Planting

Church Planting - With great joy and honor to inform you that we had church planting ministry and with gospel tracts, New Testament Bibles we have visited different tribal villages and shared the word of God. Many people heard the word of God and dedicated their life for the service of God so we have started prayer and worship in believers’ homes.


It is blessing to inform you that we had revival meetings in different tribal villages. On these occasions, many people are coming from different tribal villages to hear the word of God and be blessed. God is helping us to share the word of God and pray for these people. Many people are being blessed through these revival meetings. Through these revival meetings, many Hindu tribal people are accepting Jesus Christ. Many people are healed from their sicknesses and being strengthened in their spiritual life. God is doing many miracles and wonders through these revival meetings.

Church Planters Training program

God has blessed us to Teach and rise honest church planters at Odisha so that we may plant and develop many churches at Odisha, India.


We have home fellowship churches and every Sunday we gather for prayer and worship in believers homes.
We have fasting prayer in every Friday in our churches. All our pastors are separating their time to pray with their believers. We pray for ministry and TAMI churches and pastors as well as Leaders. This fasting prayer brings many blessings.


There are many poor and needy believers; they do not have proper shelter and food, cloths so we have distributed food and cloths. This service was blessing and encouragement for them.


We have conducted open air meetings in different tribal villages at Odisha to share the Word of God.


We praise God that He has helped us to do His ministry in different ways in our tribal villages at Kandhamal and Kalahandi district of Odisha. By the grace of God, we have established and develop the 20 churches and conducted revival meetings. Give baptism to 16 members we have done this entire ministry through your love, prayers, and sacrificial support. So From the bottom of my heart, on behalf of Odisha Apostolic church (TAMI) I express my thankfulness to all prayer partners and leaders of TAMI in Canada and the UAE. I especially want to thank Apostle Anison K. Samuel (President), Dr. Alias Jacob (Vice-president), Ps. Prathibha Rao (International Missions Director), and Ps. Gary Johnson.

Thank you so much for your love and prayers for ministry at Odisha! God bless you all.

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