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Then he said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

Mark 16:15-16 (ESV)

Ps. Anison Samuel


Our Origin Story

Our story began when our President, Pastor Anison Samuel, received a prophetic message back in 2000. In this message, the Lord revealed His plan and purpose, that through Apostolic strength, God would expand His Kingdom with spirit-led learning and Christ-centered teaching and mentorship by introducing Bible Schools and Churches in areas where His children have never experienced God’s love.

Then, in His never-ending grace and wisdom, God appointed obedient and spirit-filled leaders like Dr Alias Jacob as Vice President, Annie Alias, and Rodney Lobow as Regional Director for Africa – and the name that He wanted for the ministry. Thus, the Apostolic Ministries International, otherwise known as TAMI, came into being.


Our mission at The Apostolic Ministries International is threefold. 

Preaching the
Word of God

Building the body of Christ, strengthened by the Word.

Making Disciples

Bringing forth the Great Commission.

Meeting the Needs of
the Vulnerable

Following Jesus’ example of compassion and love.

Acts of Service

Why People Come

Jagir Masih

Sister Paramjit from Madiala village in Gurdaspur, Punjab, had cancer in her right shoulder and suffered from insomnia since 2019. During the three day crusade, Ps. Jacob Alias prayed over her, and she slept like a baby that same night! To top it all, her cancer completely disappeared from her right shoulder! Now, she waves her hand to testify that Jesus healed her. Through her story, many were encouraged and built up their faith.

Jagir Masih

Daniel Batela

A boy believed to be dead was raised to life during our service in Ngoyla village in the Eastern Region in November 2017. The family brought the sick boy to a witchcraft doctor, who finally gave up administering ‘treatment’. So they rushed to the TAMI Living Waters Church in Ngoyla, where the Pastor rallied intercessors and prayer warriors, who held on to the horns of the altar, and the Lord raised the dead child to life. This testimony spread like wildfire, and many joined the church. Glory be unto the Lord!

Daniel Batela

Titus Tossy

On 11th April a mission’s team from UAE went to Tanzania Crusade, Its well City Morogoro. During the Crusade powerful anointing was there, a young man was brought in stretcher lame at his feet during the crusade service, the power of God touched him and he was healed instantly. 

Titus Tossy

Your Contribution Can Change Lives

At TAMI, we believe in the evangelical work that invites and nurtures all of God’s children into His Kingdom through Acts of Service, Training and Mentorship and Godly Fellowship.

Do you feel led to aid TAMI in Kingdom work?

Reaching the Unreached

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Acts 1:8 (ESV)

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